# tactiq.io free youtube transcript # GiveSendGo Hacked - Redirected to GiveSendGone - Freedom Convoy 2022 # https://www.youtube.com/watch/iN7iYwidGD4 00:00:00.659 ladies and gents welcome back it would 00:00:03.060 appear that at about 10 pm last night 00:00:05.940 Central Time 00:00:07.259 the give send Go website was hacked now 00:00:12.480 um says here the gibsongo.com has been 00:00:15.719 hacked the website redirected to give 00:00:18.420 send gone dot WTF hackers published a 00:00:21.900 video of Frozen with a name and address 00:00:24.539 of people who contributed to the 00:00:26.640 truckers movement so yes uh last night 00:00:30.599 if you were to go to the website you 00:00:32.340 would get this this is if you had it 00:00:34.559 bookmarked to go to the trucker Convoy 00:00:38.160 donation page if you went to 00:00:41.579 the home page you would get a redirect 00:00:44.360 to this splash page with this video on 00:00:48.840 it the video proceeds to show Frozen a 00:00:53.579 scene from the Frozen movie Disney's 00:00:55.680 Frozen and uh wall of text that comes up 00:00:59.600 spouting some weird Q Anon type 00:01:03.920 conspiracy theory about you know 00:01:06.840 everyday truckers being part of some 00:01:09.119 weird cabal Global cabal or some 00:01:12.740 gobbledygoop uh not sure what they're 00:01:16.439 meaning with that anyhow what it does 00:01:19.740 then proceed to do is docs uh 00:01:22.860 contributors the top donators 00:01:25.320 um and then they also leave a threat of 00:01:29.220 releasing all the information for all 00:01:31.619 the donors 00:01:33.180 who donated to the cause 00:01:38.280 if you uh went there this morning this 00:01:40.619 is what you got just nothing a nothing 00:01:43.320 page 00:01:44.460 so 00:01:46.200 yes it was downed 00:01:48.540 uh looking at the page for give send go 00:01:52.860 as of yet 00:01:55.079 no response they haven't made a 00:01:58.500 statement the last thing that they said 00:02:00.420 was uh taunting the Canadian government 00:02:02.399 actually for 00:02:04.759 uh not giving up the funds Now by no 00:02:10.020 means does this mean that the funds are 00:02:12.120 gone just the website was redirected so 00:02:15.060 if you're worried about your funds not 00:02:17.220 being there the funds would be there I 00:02:19.739 don't think I don't believe the hackers 00:02:21.180 would have any sort of access to that 00:02:23.340 just access to information not access to 00:02:27.660 um the actual funds themselves but yet 00:02:30.540 we are still waiting for a 00:02:34.200 statement of some kind from give send go 00:02:37.220 themselves 00:02:38.780 in the meantime for people who are still 00:02:42.420 looking there is the Bitcoin for 00:02:46.680 truckers campaign that is still 00:02:49.080 available 00:02:50.400 uh and that site is still up this is 00:02:52.620 this is through tallycoin I don't think 00:02:54.420 hackers would have the access to hack 00:02:58.080 this website it's not um it's it's a lot 00:03:01.379 more secure this is uh this is an actual 00:03:03.959 wallet through a cryptocurrency website 00:03:07.620 so 00:03:09.120 that is an option for people but support 00:03:12.780 is not waning around the world there's 00:03:16.440 more convoys propping up everywhere uh 00:03:20.879 live in London UK Freedom Convoy outside 00:03:24.120 Scotland Yard yesterday A lot of people 00:03:26.580 showing up 00:03:28.980 this is the scene in New Zealand 00:03:32.599 where we have protesters in front of the 00:03:35.519 Parliament building doing the 00:03:37.500 traditional Haka dance the Haka dance is 00:03:40.220 a traditional dance of the Maori 00:03:43.819 indigenous people of New Zealand 00:03:47.040 it's a show of strength 00:03:49.500 and unity 00:03:52.739 amazing scene amazing scene there and 00:03:57.180 throughout the world massive worldwide 00:03:59.280 protests every weekend now although you 00:04:01.799 may not know if you only watch TV news 00:04:04.620 France Britain Germany Italy Australia 00:04:07.680 New Zealand Canada USA Spain Netherlands 00:04:11.700 Switzerland Austria 00:04:15.139 all massive all massive ladies and 00:04:18.899 gentlemen so if you if you think that 00:04:21.720 this is breaking people's Spirits I 00:04:23.820 believe 00:04:24.660 it's only strengthening people's Spirits 00:04:27.479 it's only it's only getting people to 00:04:29.880 dig their heels in more and have more 00:04:31.680 Resolve for the cause because they'd 00:04:34.740 only be fighting dirty like this if they 00:04:37.199 were losing so just keep that in mind 00:04:39.780 and keep on tracking