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RSS Feed

RSS Feed Button Explanation:

The following RSS button leads to my RSS feed XML file. Unlike a typical link that opens a new page, this button's purpose is to provide you with the link to my RSS feed, which you can then add to your RSS feed managing applications, such as Newsboat.

What is an RSS Feed?

RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) feeds are a way for websites to distribute their content in a standardized format. They allow you to stay updated on new content from multiple websites without visiting each one individually.

How to Use RSS Feeds:

Why This Button Doesn't Open a Page:

The RSS button doesn't open a page directly because its function is to provide the link to the RSS feed file itself. By right-clicking on the button and selecting "Copy link address" (or similar), you can easily obtain the feed URL to add to your RSS feed reader.

In Summary:

RSS feeds are a convenient way to track updates from websites you follow, and using an RSS feed reader helps you manage and stay updated on content across multiple sites efficiently.

This is the RSS button to copy the link from:

📶 RSS: https://amosnimos.com/rss_feed.xml