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The Irony of Modern Antifa



The Irony of Modern Antifa: When Anti-Fascism Becomes Fascist

When Movements Get Overtaken by Hypocrisy

When a movement gets overtaken by hypocrites, you get new-speech and contradiction. Even if I call myself an agent of peace, if all I do is start conflict, the name does not matter. See the point? Antifa has become an ironically hypocritical movement that uses the tactics of the very thing they are supposedly against: tyranny and censorship.

Personal Experience with Antifa

Years ago, I was banned from an Antifa group called "March Against the Nazis" for asking a reasonable, well-formulated, valid question that did not align with the narrow narrative that a post was trying to paint with incomplete information. Not really anti-fascism if you ask me. When I asked the mods for the reasons behind the ban and the deletion of my comments, I was called a bigot. At best, there are a lot of bad apples in that movement. As a person who stands against actual tyranny, I would never associate myself with such a movement.

Ironically, some of the most fascist people I have talked to online were moderators of Antifa subreddits. They instantly banned me for suggesting in a comment that the cause of the event in a video they shared was maybe the result of another previous event they did not mention, and I added sources to that event. My comment was deleted, and I was banned. When I asked why, they called me a bigot. The more I tried to have a conversation about the reason for the ban, the more the moderator responded to my concerns with insults and censorship.

From then on, and after further research, I realized that a vast majority of the modern Antifa movement are actual fascists who try to suppress any form of opposition or diverging views in an often angry manner. My view of Antifa being fascists in disguise is, so far, still the most accurate to their actions. Since I am against true fascism, I am against those hypothetical movements that sink in irony.

Say what you want, but at best there are a lot of bad actors in that movement misrepresenting its supposed core values. Fascism cannot be fought with censorship and dictatorial authoritarian ways. Even if decentralized, this sort of fascism is not better; it's primarily international fascism or, at best, a pro-tyranny movement. This is all just my current view of the whole thing based on my personal experience.

Spiritual_Feed1652 articulated their frustrations with perceived hypocrisy and authoritarian tendencies within certain segments of the Antifa movement. They emphasized their opposition to fascism and their belief that some behaviors within Antifa could inadvertently mirror the very ideologies the movement seeks to combat.

Their comments were met with an immediate ban. How about trying not to immediately shut down all differing views as misinformation or disinformation for a start? That's called being open-minded, and it might allow for better communication, which could prevent a form of extremist totalitarianism.

To deny any other possibility than someone being misinformed or a fascist trying to intentionally spread misinformation to confuse people is not how you prevent fascism. Some people might have concerns about a movement being hypocritical in its actions, and that is valid.

Modern Incident Highlighting this same Hypocrisy

In a Reddit exchange on the r/AntifascistsofReddit subreddit, user Spiritual_Feed1652 shared their perspectives on Antifa, expressing concerns about certain behaviors within the movement that they perceived as hypocritical and reminiscent of fascism. Despite making efforts to contribute constructively, they were permanently banned from the subreddit for violating the community's rules. This ban was communicated through a message from the moderators.

Reddit Comments(Image)

Reddit Ban Notification(Image)

Jewish YouTuber Bryan Lunduke received death threats from leftist osnews article, calling him an evil Nazi. If this is not proof of the irony. Editor of OSNews calls for the Murder of a Conservative, Jewish Tech Journalist (Youtube).

Reflection on the Incident

By understanding the decentralized nature of modern Antifa, it becomes evident that diverse perspectives and internal debates are inherent within the movement. The experience of Spiritual_Feed1652 highlights the challenges of maintaining open discourse while navigating complex and sensitive topics within activist communities.

This incident on Reddit illustrates a significant issue: the very moderators who should foster open discussion and opposition to authoritarianism are exhibiting fascistic tendencies by silencing dissent and banning users who challenge their views. This behavior contradicts the foundational principles of anti-fascism and underscores the need for vigilance in preserving genuine discourse and democratic practices within any movement.