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A Cure Worse Than the Disease?

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Sometimes it feels like governments act just like organized crime but with a license. In Canada, for example, the government first made gambling illegal, then gave itself the exclusive right to operate casinos and manage gambling activities in the country, effectively taking a monopoly over this lucrative activity. The same thing happened with marijuana: those who worked hardest to make it illegal are now the ones who own the companies allowed to sell it. This tactic—making something illegal and then monopolizing it—proves highly lucrative and offers valuable insights for investment.

But what is the most lucrative business in the world? Pharmaceuticals. In the past, pharmaceutical companies have faced some of the most expensive lawsuits ever, yet profit remains their primary goal, even when lives are at stake. Some pharmaceutical products, which could save lives, are sold at exorbitant prices far above their cost of production.

Now let's address the elephant in the room: the COVID-19 vaccine. Initially, most Canadian media outlets claimed the vaccine was completely effective, suggesting that once you took it, you would be entirely immune to the virus. This narrative made it easier to coerce people into getting vaccinated, using tactics like blackmail—people were told they couldn't see their families or eat in public if they weren't vaccinated.

However, the story gradually shifted. First, they said you could still catch the virus, but your symptoms would be less severe. Then they admitted you could catch it just as badly, but you wouldn't spread it. Finally, they conceded you could still spread it, albeit not as much. Ultimately, the truth emerged: you could still catch the virus, spread it to others, and experience side effects potentially worse than the virus itself.

Many people ended up receiving a barely tested experimental treatment, with unknown long-term effects. Could it mutate the virus or inject you with a variant of it? And does this treatment even qualify as a vaccine under its previous definition? Despite 2020 being a year when many words were redefined to suit particular narratives, the news was filled with fearmongering and propaganda.

Even now, in 2024, I still feel the animosity towards the unvaccinated. I'm often asked about my "vaccine status," a question that's not only in poor taste but also goes against the Charter of Rights. Refusing to answer is seen as an admission that you're not vaccinated, akin to asking someone about their circumcision status right after World War II in Germany.

The so-called sanitary measures implemented during that time violated the Charter of Rights. Asking about a person's vaccination status can lead to discrimination. Thanks to the "FDA Begins Releasing Pfizer COVID Vax Documents," we know that at the time of release, the most commonly reported side effects were muscle pain (62.8%), rashes (60.8%), and pain at the injection site (57.6%). Other side effects included burning at the injection site (58%), swelling (52.8%), headache (44.8%), and lymphadenopathy (43.6%). Nausea was the least commonly reported side effect (9.6%). The study also mentioned potential impacts on birth, infertility, and even death.

If you ask me, these risks are at least as bad as the virus itself. Yet, people were forced to take a treatment that is now commonly known to be ineffective. They were told they only needed one injection, but many ended up with almost six doses before realizing these injections, funded by our taxes, were highly profitable for pharmaceutical companies.

I'm not even touching on the advancements in CRISPR and spike protein methods coincidentally used in the vaccines. These are gene-editing technologies, and the Government of Canada's Horizons website frequently discusses biodigitalism and the new era of gene editing. The World Economic Forum (WEF) is no better, talking about intelligent design as a replacement for natural selection, manually selecting who should reproduce. How coincidental that the vaccine sometimes affects birth and fertility. It can also cause heart attacks and death—a treatment that can cause death to prevent a virus similar to the common cold, forced onto a population by draconian government overreach and blackmail.

Doesn't this sound a bit Orwellian? Do note that the politicians pushing for vaccination passports, the ArriveCAN app, and these vaccines often have investments in the companies profiting from these measures.