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Farewell to Amosnimos.com



Farewell to Amosnimos.com

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the impending shutdown of Amosnimos.com. Due to financial constraints, I will not be renewing the hosting of the site, and it will go offline in the coming weeks.

Amosnimos.com was a labor of love, a simple HTML website where I shared information that I believed was important. The site was never intended to be a money-making venture. It did not feature ads or sell user data. It was just a platform to share knowledge with others who were interested.

Unfortunately, the cost of hosting the site has become too much for me to bear. As a result, I have made the difficult decision to take the site offline. However, I am not simply disappearing into the night. The entire code and content of the site will be uploaded to a free cloud/git sharing platform, so that the information I shared can still be accessed by those who need it.

For those who may not be familiar with what a cloud and git sharing platform is, allow me to explain. A cloud platform is a virtual space where data can be stored and accessed from anywhere in the world. Git sharing platforms are sites that allow developers to store and collaborate on code with others. By uploading the content and code of Amosnimos.com to a cloud/git sharing platform, the information I shared will remain accessible to those who need it, even though the site will no longer be online.

I will still own the domain name, Amosnimos.com, but I will not be renewing the hosting. It was a difficult decision to make, but I believe it is the right one. I am proud of what I accomplished with Amosnimos.com, and I hope that the information I shared was helpful to those who read it.

In conclusion, I want to say thank you to all who supported Amosnimos.com over the years. It was a labor of love, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have shared my knowledge with others. Although the site will no longer be online, the information will remain accessible to those who need it. Thank you for being a part of this journey.