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The Consequences of Eugenics 2.0

Eugenics 2.0


"The Dark Possibility of Eugenics 2.0: An Analysis of the COVID-19 Vaccine"

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented changes to our world, from lockdowns and mask mandates to the rapid development and distribution of vaccines. While these measures were implemented with the intention of controlling the spread of the virus and saving lives, there has been growing concern about the long-term consequences of these actions. One such concern is the potential for the COVID-19 vaccine to be used as a tool for eugenics, or the manipulation of the human population to improve its genetic makeup.

Eugenics has been a controversial topic for decades, with many associating it with the atrocities of Nazi Germany and other oppressive regimes. However, in recent years, the concept of "intelligent design" has gained traction, with some experts suggesting that the use of genetic engineering and other technologies could be used to improve the human race. This idea, often referred to as eugenics 2.0, raises serious ethical and moral questions.

The COVID-19 vaccine, developed by companies such as Pfizer and Moderna, utilizes a new technology known as messenger RNA (mRNA) to trigger an immune response. This technology has the potential to be used for a wide range of applications, including the manipulation of the human genome. While the current vaccines have been developed to combat the COVID-19 virus, it's not hard to imagine a future where this technology could be used to create "designer babies" or to selectively eliminate certain genetic traits.

Some experts have raised the alarm about the potential for the COVID-19 vaccine to be used as a tool for eugenics 2.0. They argue that the rapid development and distribution of the vaccine, along with the potential for mandatory vaccination laws, could be used to control and manipulate the population. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccine have been approved for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA, which means that it has not undergone the same level of testing and scrutiny as a vaccine that goes through the traditional approval process.

This lack of testing and oversight raises serious concerns about the long-term safety and efficacy of the vaccine. There have already been reports of side effects, including allergic reactions and blood clotting disorders. Furthermore, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine have not been tested for long-term effects, raising the possibility of unknown side effects appearing later on.

The potential for the COVID-19 vaccine to be used as a tool for eugenics 2.0 should not be dismissed. It is crucial that we remain vigilant and question the motives behind the rapid development and distribution of the vaccine. We must also demand transparency and oversight to ensure that the vaccine is safe and effective, and to prevent it from being used as a tool for population control.

The speed of the vaccine development and distribution, The lack of testing and oversight, The potential for mandatory vaccination laws, The possibility of unknown long-term side effects, The potential for the vaccine to be used as a tool for population control, All these factors must be taken into consideration and raise serious concerns about the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 vaccine. The public must be informed and have a say in this matter, and a serious ethical and moral debate must be held.

It's a matter of civil rights, safety, and freedom of choice. The public has the right to know, and the right to decide for itself, without being coerced or manipulated. We must stay vigilant and question the motives behind the rapid development and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, and ensure that it is not used as a tool for eugenics 2.0.


Intelligent design. digital dictatorship enabled the elites to "hack" our genes. Yuval Noah Harari is the advisor of the WEF, I will let you research the influence of that organisation your self, what organisation and individuals are part of it. "This is evolution by intelligent design" what they are trying to accomplish is to replace natural selection with. with another form of selection, the elites are placing them self into a position to make that selection for us. and this is a scary premis that should have you at least very concerned, you might not be selected, and your descendants might not be a part of their plans.

“The medical and scientific community and the public have a substantial interest in reviewing the data and information underlying the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer Vaccine,” the document reads.
“Given the speed at which this came on the market, going to the mandate stage was going a step too far,” says Dr. David Healy, a member of PHMP and a psychiatrist practicing in Hamilton, Ont.

Could the "vaccine" which many experts call an "experimental genetic therapy treatment" be used to target certain profile of people, and prevent them from having offspring? or even cause a premature death? keep in mind these are known potential side effects of the injection, the question is not if it cause these issues, but if it's targeted.

Here is one of the many pfizer document's which have been discretely released by court order, the rest is hard to find with our modern bias search engine.


Yuval Noah Harari WEF advisor explaining what he call intelligent design"

Pfizer Exposed For Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via 'Directed Evolution'

Jordan Peterson Exposes The World Economic Forum | With Joe Rogan

Request, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Make your own conclusion, try to do your own research, be aware, do worry, do care