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return to canada

canada is a prison


As a Canadian citizens Me and my family had to return to Canada after having spent some time in Florida (Enjoying a peaceful "old-normal" way of life, away from masks and "vaccines" mandates), because of all the new protocol, and because of my recent experience dealing with border agents, I expected that crossing the Canadian border would be just as intense as entering North-Korea, and I think I was right.

The date was 13 Jun 2022 Me and my parents decided to minimize the risk of complication by complying with all the new post-Covid-19 (criminally insane) guidelines. We each filled the arriveCan (Since it was obligated), We each took a Covid test at a pharmacy hours before arriving at the border, We each got negative result (Meaning we didn't have the virus).

At the border it was already hard to clearly communicate with the agent, since we are french Canadian from the province of Quebec and the agent spoke with us in English, But it was even harder to clearly understand him since he was wearing a mask. When we told him we where not vaccinated, he almost looked chocked, he even asked twice (if I clearly remember).

Even do our test where negatives, we where asked to park and go inside to have them verified (Yes we had to wear a mask inside), we had to fill and importation form for the vehicle, Which is normal since it was a US vehicle (the lady even admitted to us while explaining the form that "the government just want your money", where used to excessive taxation, so it was almost a relieved to hear that was all it was about), after having showed the PDF of our test result, and paying a tax for the vehicle, we where finally allowed to leave, after 1h45 minutes of bureaucratic absurdity and discriminatory questions (Including the "Are you vaccinated"), they gave us test kit, and a sheet with all the quarantine obligations.

Even do our test where all negative, We would still all have to quarantine for 14 days (Which as illogical as it may be, we expected) With the quarantine requirements paper came 6 test kit from the company LifeLabs. The quarantine requirements paper indicated that these requirement's apply to; travelers with symptoms, a positive test result, not fully vaccinated travelers without symptoms, travelers who do not qualify for "fully" vaccinated exemption.

"This document explains legal requirements"

  1. "Complete test on arrival and on day 8"
  2. "Quarantine or Isolation"
  3. "Report your arrival"
  4. "Monitor your health"

It said also in the isolation protocol:

"Respond to calls or visits from screening officers or law enforcement. You will receive live or automated calls from 1-888-336-7735 and must answer all questions truthfully to demonstrate your compliance with the law. You may also receive in-person visits from a screening officer at your place of quarantine."

This is the government not only harassing citizens but also stalking them at their residence. This is beyond totalitarian, all these "screening officer" and "test kit" are where this institutions is burning honest tax payer money. this is what a "police-state" look like and it ain't pretty.

the documents end with the following warning/treat:

"If you do not comply you may be transferred to a quarantine facility, face fines, and/or imprisonment." Please keep in mind that this is not far from concentration camp, I think "imprisonment" is a treat clear enough. Is it really justified? do all these measure really "follow the science"? Since when does the science require the absence of all logical thinking capability?

The more you comply the more they ask, the more you give, the more they take.

This is what tyranny look like, this is what discrimination look like, this is how movement like NAZI Germany could gradually be formed.