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Technological Slavery



From the book, Technological Slavery - The collected writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski:

"Empirically, the evidence points to one likely outcome: namely, that we humans are in fact unable to handle advanced technologies without causing massive disruption to our bodies, our psyche, and our environment."

"The present technological society is radically different than our natural state, and imposes unprecedented stresses upon us, and on nature."

"For the 2 million years of our existence we have used tools—technology—to survive. It cannot be otherwise. The whole question is, what level of technology shall we use? We can choose simple, natural, manageable, biodegradable tools, or we can choose complex, enslaving, toxic tools."

"The whole point of technology, of society, is, after all, to have a good life; and a good life requires almost nothing at all."

I do think that "Technological Slavery" is the best way we can describe the current era, there seems to be a widespread and deep-seated feeling that something is wrong with our technological age.

I am currently, sitting on a plastic bucket serving as my chair, in a small 6x10ft aluminum trailer that I call my home, in a some what rural area, with next to no internet connection.

I'll let you guess what are the other uses of that bucket...

If I was not so stressed about having to return to the tyrannical country where I am from (Canada A.K.A Chinada or New-China), I could say that I am living a simple happy life. Which I think proves the point of the book. A more complex/modern lifestyle, does not result in a more fulfilling life, in fact many study's collaborate that a more rural/primitive lifestyle is better for the moral and mental health.

We tried to fix what wasn't broken, and in the process we might have broken it. Dystopia avoidance might be one of the most important task of the century.

You may not feel very concerned by all this, You are probably too distracted to have notice, that you may just be a comfortable slave.

The modern human are trapped in a constant state of hypnosis, This is the chain of technology, it has become a requirement to take part in society most basic activity. The new technology are not just tools we can use, but are actively monitoring us, and gradually influencing us, shaping our perception of the world and the way we think, we are subject to perpetual stimulant and suggestions. Now many recognize the addictive aspect of the smart-phone and it's harmful effect on the mind. It is not only an attack on our cognitive ability and consciousness, this technological trance make our brain numb to the point where "techno-zombie", might be a more appropriate term to describe the modern human condition. What will the future of this technological slavery be?

"We are clearly in dire need of a substantive inquiry into the problem of technology." - Theodore J. Kaczynski