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Downfall of the Urbanite

Apocaliptic city


The future of the modern domesticated Homo sapiens is bleak, The Human urbanite has accepted his fate, as a product and a slave.

Any further progress down that path, is only optimizing individual misery.

The most popular inventions of our era, the smartphone and social media, have malign side-effects, such as the creation of powerful monopolies and the pollution of the public minds, wich is becoming painfully apparent.

Endorsing the current technological landscape, is equivalent to supporting suffering, at the hand of an uncaring system.

Overpopulation only exist if human population conduct it self like a parasite. Otherwise their is no cause for concerns, If everyone on earth where spending their days growing food, like we use to, the environmental impact and the lack of resource, would not be a problemme. The widespread urban way of life is unsustainable, both on the long term, and at such a large scale.

The human's who wish to be more than some form of livestock, need a way out, away from the toxic way of life of the modern world.

I sincerely think that an alternative to the unsustainable insanity of the present ecosystem, can be found in the fundamental principle of Anarcho-privitivism.

This does not mean that it will be an easy transition, especially with all the obstacle that has been put in place, restriction to limit the possibility for people to have diverging life-style. The escape from the grasp of the contemporary civilization is not the path of least resistance, far from it.

The modern civilization is monopolistic and antagonize all variation from it's foundational principle. Any successful system outside of it self, cannot be allowed to exist, and the creation of a system within it self must be part of it, and share it's flaws.

It is no necessarily lesser to do thing in a simpler way, complexity does not always improve things. I always been a vocal advocate for technology, and I still am. What most Anarcho-privitivism aim at, is some form of established ethics, guidelines and principles on how technology should be use and at what scale.

The way I see it, Anarcho-privitivism promotes individual autonomy, and by consequent the decentralization of power. It is a way to take back control over technology by only using the technology we can control in ways we can control.

It is always preferable for the independent individual, to know how to produce what he need, by himself, and not by being reliant on outside components.

It is simpler to be dependent on a system, it does not require much competency, but this dependency is an inherent risk, and require a trust that sometimes ain't deserved.

We need to gain back control of technology as a tool, and not be a tool controled by technology.

More documentation on this topic can be found here.