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The fact some people think we don't need more transparency in our institution, is proof we need more transparency in our institution.

If everyone could see the potential for corruption and abuse in our system, everyone would ask for precaution to prevent, or at least limit these risk.

I am not a warrior yet I feel forced into a war I think is lost. I escaped the tyranny of Quebec/Canada for Florida/USA. Where so far, i have been able to live a good, normal life in a small town.

Sadly the good time appears to be running out, and I don't have much options as to what to do next.

My initial plan was to come here and go back to Canada when the Covid mass psychosis and government overreach would be over, sadly unbeknownst to most Canadians, things in Canada have only gotten more tyrannical since I arrived here.

To the point where I believe that it would be simpler for me, (A law abiding Canadian citizen) to attempt to enter my own country illegally! (Not that i plan, to do so). So called "Health measures" are still in place, making it very risky for Canadian to come back.

From what I can understand, the Canadian border agent, still have the unquestioned authority to detain you into "Quarantine camps". You are required to fill a form called ArriveCan which is NOT much better than the very controversial Vaccination-passport (re-branded as "health-passport" or "sanitary-passport").

I am also being asked to pass two Covid test before before and after passing the border (If I am allowed entry), the process of which are not so dissimilar to a DNA sample, something I hope people would be more reluctant to take.

I have witnessed first hand how border agent can abuse of their authority, the last two times, I had to deal with the US homeland security, and where traumatizing experiences, and from what i can understand the situation at the Canadian border might just be worse.

I have pictured the scene many time in my head, trying to evaluate the potential issues, and how I could avoid them, I have carefully study the current measures in place at the border, and asked online for more information.

The conclusion, the chance of me being discriminated and having trouble for not being vaccinated, are very high.

A good example of the kind of problem I wish to avoid, comes from family members of mine, who returned to Canada recently, they where "fully vaccinated", they even had the "boost" and yet, the border agent acted in a menacing, threatening and hostile way toward them. they forced them to fill out a form, and sign a long document electronically, while surrounding them.

My family member tried to refuse to sign the electronic document, but the border agent even pressed the confirm button for them, forcing them to accept the terms and condition, treating them like criminals, when they are elder law abiding Canadian citizens!

I don't know the detail of the document they where force to sign, but from what i heard it was the equivalent of giving up their fundamental rights. (Sadly i don't think they will contact a lawyer for this) Other than that they where allowed to return to their home, where they would still have to be in isolation for two weeks as mandatory.

"Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely" ~ John Dalberg-Acton

The scary part is that I know this is not an isolated event, and I know that unvaccinated people are treated far worse, I do not want to be send to the government approved "Quarantine hotels", from where I heard concerning story from real people who been their. The funniest part is that, the people detained at these "hotels" are forced to pay for your stay at these camps.

I doubt these are much better then being sent to prison. Need i remind you, I am not a criminal!

I have even considered getting a Canadian lawyer in advance to defend me, and help guaranty that my right are respected, and that I can safely return to my home. I would prefer getting a ticket (Even knowing that the monetary punishment for not following the new guidelines are astronomical.) I would prefer fighting this in court after my (forced & unjustified) home quarantine and be allowed to go directly to my home, then to be force to go to their camps.

In the document you fill electronically (ArriveCAN) they don't even tell you in advance if your information are correct, It is at the discretion of the border agent, which could offer more potential for discrimination. I don't even think you can print the document and fill it by hand.

I wish it would be simpler, I am an honest Canadian citizen with no criminal record, I do not bring any illegal items to Canada, I am an healthy person with no symptoms of any virus. Yet I can't simply return to my own country, without the risk of being detained. This does sound like insanity right?

I can't stay here legally either, as a Canadian I am only allowed to stay for 6 month per year as a tourist, but past that I would be illegal, and not only i would risk being detained, for illegal stay, but they can revoke me the right to come back to the USA.

I do not wish to risk to be, permanently ban from the USA, I do not wish to risk to be detained at the Canadian border for being unvaccinated.

Me and many people I know feel terrorize by the current authority's and government institution in Canada (Justin Trudeau), many of them have proven them self to be nothing more then bully's, while the honest member within the system are punished and suppressed.

I tried looking for options to stay legally, but many require applying from the US embassy which is in Canada, and the process to get a proved is often longer then the time I have left here.

I am really running out of option as my deadline approach, I can only hope for some sort of miracle to happen. I don't mind the 2 weeks of irrational isolation for returning to Canada, however I refuse to fill the anti-constitutional document, that is ArriveCan.

I refuse to go to these "camp", I refuse to take any more "Covid test", when I don't even have symptoms, enough of the "asymptomatic treat bullshit", If you ain't sick, then you ain't sick!

This is where I draw the line, it's not like I am allowed to argue logically with a border agent, they just follow the rules, they don't make them, they will apply these measures, no matter how unethical they may be.

At the moment I have less then two weeks two return to Canada, for now it seems like i am Checkmate.