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First Amendment audits


I have recently discovered a thing called "First amendment Auditors", They are independent journalist that focus on the ever growing need for more transparency especially in our tax funded institution.

The concept is very simple, the "Auditors", go on public propriety and exert their right legally, peacefully, and i hope respectfully, while record them self doing so.

This might seem, completely pointless and stupid at first, but i soon realize that, this is one, if not the most of important duty to guaranty the integrity of a free modern society,

See the important part is that, by doing these test of our public institutions, the Auditors confirm that our civil right and liberty are being respectfully respected, and that the constitution is being uphold.

If the Auditor right are being interfered and impinge on, then the video recording serve as evidence, not only that but it warn us (the public), but also to give a general idea of what to expect in different area, institutions, jurisdiction and circumstances.

When things goes smoothly, it serve to reassure the people, that the system is healthy and functional, but when things get out of hand, at least we can all see it, know about it, and act accordingly.

This made me realize that we should all share this important duty, to take part in these "Audit", we should all contribute to these recorded test of our legal and political system. We should all investigate to see if our fundamental right are being respected, especially by the people hired to defend them!

These individual audit are only possible, thanks to the freedom of press, but is that clear enough? This right is indispensable to guaranty the transparency and integrity of our establishments.

The mainstream media are once again trying to distort the fact. This time they wage ware on "first amendment auditors".

The media attempt at discrediting and antagonizing these people is clear to see. They are once again generalizing on topic that concerns diverse group of individual.

So let's establish what are real "first amendment auditor" before the media label them as "criminal" and/or "terrorists".

First amendment auditor, Are their to peacefully and respectfully exert their right. Including freedom of press. That's it, that's what this "Audit" thing is fundamentally all about.

Or as Wikipedia put it, before reminding us of how the media keep slandering them:

First Amendment audits are a largely American social movement that usually involves photographing or filming from a public space. It is often categorized by its practitioners, known as auditors, as activism and citizen journalism that tests constitutional rights; in particular the right to photograph and video record in a public space. Auditors believe that the movement promotes transparency and open government. Link to the (overall demeaning) wikipedia article
Just to make it clear these "freedom of press" and "freedom of speech" that i am talking about apply to all of us! Indeed, We all have the right of freedom of press, we can all be independent journalist, without any prerequisite, and that's a good thing.

It should be a public a duty to report the state of the system in which we live. I have been a professional video game tester in the past, i worked for big video game company, sod i know from my personal experience that if a system is not regularly inspected and tested, it will inevitably fall apart.

As long as the first amendment auditor do not break any law, and act respectfully and peacefully, why would the media try to publicly antagonize them? Why would they try to depict them ALL as despicable criminal? Everyone can be a first amendment auditor, is everyone a criminal then? Every amendment auditors are different, and act differently, It's plain old discrimination and stereotyping, The mainstream media are appears to be trying to change the public perception about free press, making independent journalism look like a treat.

I am sure they would very much like to be the only one allowed to report "the news", it make sens that they are trying to monopolize journalistic investigation of our system.

Why do they want to monopolize the "Press"? Because then they can be as bias as they wish! They can distort reality as much as they like. They can lie as much as they want to, and no one will know better! because their wont be any alternative.

This is why it is important to have independent journalism in a society, so that when the mainstream media are corrupt, we have access to alternative source of information!

This is how you fight against misinformation, this is how you fight against tyranny. It is not by centralizing information, it is not by censoring every divergent view!

What do they try to hide from us, if they fear so much that we record them? Why would people recording them self, peacefully performing their right be such a treat to them? This is how you get transparency from the system, by investigating it your self.

This is NOT a crime contrary to what the media says, forcing unconstitutional rule on people that is a crime.

I just want to make it clear, this is not a defense to any disrespectful audit. This is a defense of peaceful, respectful audit! this is a defense of independent press! A defense of freedom of speech!

Just a reminder their is no reasonable expectation of "Privacy" on public ground. You heard that correctly, for example: In a public library, expect that you might be recorded on camera, be it by the library security or by a person filming in the public building, You can ofcrouse politely ask such a person not to record you, to which he might comply, if he is reasonable enough, but keep in mind that, that he is not force to, as long has he does not focus on any specific individual, as long as it does not turn into a form of harassment, it is not a crime, and he would be within his right.

"Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy." ~ Walter Cronkite