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Big Words

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When discussing the present issues at hand, on the topics of my country turning into a hellish, totalitarian, police state, some of my family members often look at me as if I am "arrogant" and "pretentious" for using big fancy words like "behavioral conditioning," "propaganda," and "unconstitutionally." Maybe you think the same about my article, but "big events" might require "big words" to describe them. I was lucky enough until now to not have a use for these words, at least for the past 23 years or so, not when speaking about my own country of Canada. I was not used to employing words such as "Fascist" or "Nazi" to describe people's actions because, until recently, people's actions were not the same, or even similar, to those of real-life Fascists! But things change, and new contexts might sometimes require employing a more accurate vocabulary. Words that were once uncommon and hard to employ in concrete situations are now being used to fulfill their purpose, to express the "intricacy" of a constantly changing reality, to vocalize issues and views. I am not trying to sound like fancy pants rich mcgee over here. Only recently in my life have I seen a recurrent need for the common use of the word unconstitutionally.

I am disgusted by the current state of Canada! What a shame how it only took one "good" propaganda campaign to destroy what was once seen as a "free" country, to rob Canadian citizens of their freedom. Not any freedom, but the same freedom that our Canadian patriots have given their lives for! My ancestors have fought against the odds to ensure that all Canadians would be guaranteed these fundamental rights!

It is not a time to be selfish and greedy; the future of our country is at hand! I personally am currently trapped by all this madness, forced to return to a country that I now fear!

Totalitarian criminals took over Canada, and they are still infiltrated deep in the highest positions of power and authority!

The vast majority of the governmental system appears to be corrupt, our system institutions have been compromised from within, the Canadian constitution and other fundamental rights have been ignored and are actively suppressed!

We the people need to fight against the oppressors! We need to stand together NOW; we need to defend the victims of the current discrimination and abuse! It is not time to turn against each other; it's time to unite and move past our divergent views!

All Canadians should realize that we are on the same team! It is our future that is at stake, and the future of our descendants!

We need to protect our fundamental freedoms, just like our ancestors did for us. We need to break the chains of tyranny before it is too late!

We need to stop these incessant "power trips" and "overreach" that these shameless authorities keep imposing on us! They are "public servants"; they are supposed to work for us. We are still paying their salary!

“People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.” ― Alan Moore, V for Vendetta