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The camp

scary quarantine facility


I am not quick to respond to the news, this is by choice, i take the time to analyze information, and study new evidences, different point of view, this all take time. this is why i avoid "news" article, they are in my opinion doom to be bias.

But once in a while, when all the smoke and mirror have dispersed, i might just write my view on some event that i find interesting.

About three months ago Australian "police" have arrested three victim who broke out of a "Covid quarantine compound" in the middle of the night.

The "Howard Springs center" is an Australian camp use to forcefully detain allegedly contagious citizen. Not to be confuse with the similar "concentration camp" of Nazi Germany.

Police said the three boys, aged 15, 16 and 17, scaled a fence to break out of the facility. Officers found them after a manhunt. All three tested negative for Covid the day before, and have now been taken into custody. Officials did not state whether the escapees were returning travelers or locals in quarantine.

The first modern concentration camps were created by the Spanish in 1896 as "reconcentrados" to house Cubans suspected of supporting insurgents during the Cuban War of Independence, and the British during the Second Boer War to house Boers to prevent them from supporting the forces of the South African Republic and the Orange Free State. However, early examples of what could be termed "concentration camps" were utilized by the United States during their forced removal of Native Americans to temporarily house Indian tribesmen while it was decided where they would be forced to migrate to. According to historian Dan Stone, concentration camps were "the logical extension of phenomena that had long characterized colonial rule". Concentration Camps(wikipedia)
Up to 2,000 people can be held at the Howard Springs site. It is an old mining camp that was turned into a modern concentration camps. "Quarantine facility" like this one are being built, all around the world, this is probably to meet the ever growing need to bypass the legal system to imprison people. If things keep going in the current direction, you might even get to visit one soon!

After all if the "Free" country of china is leading the way, what could go wrong? When it comes to keeping Covid-19 at bay, few countries seem willing to go as far as China.
As countries around the world reopen borders and loosen corona virus restrictions, Beijing is doubling down on its zero-Covid strategy. The latest example: a $260 million, 5,000-room quarantine facility. ... It could be the first of many (CNN)
β€œIt is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” ― Nelson Mandela