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Evil Corp

evil corp


After i heard that Yuval Noah Harari was a member of the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab top advisor, i got even more interested in reading his books, So i found a "free" copy of "Sapiens" and "Homo deus" online, and started reading on my e-reader, I am only at chapter 2 of "Sapiens" and so far, i highly recommend, that you also find a "free" version of it.

One of the concept in his book, is that one of the most unique attribute of our species, is to have beliefs, faith and to share abstract imaginary concept, with one another. Even in the modern world, society are built on faith and beliefs. To quote from his book:

There are no gods, no nations, no money, no human rights, no laws, and no justice outside the common imagination of human beings.
Yuval Noah Harari, know how human can create belief, this is a quirk specific to our species, he surely know how to manipulate a narrative, and he surely have incentive to do so.

Is it a coincidence, that he now is one of the first to take part in building the narrative around Ukraine?
Food for taught, Klaus Schwab releases “The Great Narrative” as sequel to “The Great Reset”.

This reminded me, of how the prime minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, the same tyrant who used violence, threats, theft, defamation, allegedly hacking, and unjustified emergency powers, to silenced pacific civilian protesters, Is now for free speech and against "tyranny", when it come to the conflict of Ukraine. If you ask me, Something Smells Fishy.

In his book Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari, explain clearly how law are shape by corporation, to serve their interest. He give the example of "limited liability company", the concept that a "company" can be a scapegoat, for the individual, to avoid being held accountable. We have seen Big Pharma use this exact loophole to avoid liability from scandal, for example, Johnson & Johnson knew for decades that asbestos lurked in its Baby Powder (All forms of asbestos cause cancer), J&J created the spinoff company, LTL Management, under a Texas law last fall, while facing some 38,000 lawsuits from people who say its baby powder was contaminated with asbestos, causing cancer and other ailments. J&J, which also makes products such as Tylenol and Band-Aid, assigned legal liability for the complaints to the spinoff company, which immediately filed for bankruptcy — a maneuver dubbed the "Texas two-step".

Yet, The public still trust them, like many other Big Pharma criminal organization, The people are so unaware, that some even got injected with a vaccine from these dubious corporation. in the midst of all these criminal action, these company stock have reach record high!

They know the rule of the game are not real, that's why they keep making them up. We give up our power, to the very people who took it away.

Belief are how the elite control many of us, they can create them and spread them to manipulate society.

“In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People.” ― Eugene Victor Debs
(G r 3 a t - R 3 S e t)
(W 0 r l D - 3 C 0 n O m I c - F o R u M)
(D 3 3 P - S t @ t 3)
T h 3 y - @ r e - f 0 0 l ! n g - y 0 u, d ! g - d 3 3 p e r, s 3 3 - t r o u g h - t h 3 i r - i l l u s i o n.
t h 3 y - a r 3 - h ! d d i n g - t r u t h
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