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The end game

klaus Schwab


"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck" The same logic can be applied to attempt to recognize psychopath, Globalist megalomaniac.

Globalist these people have multiple goal, they basically rule the world, like comic book villains. A lot of people in recent time have notice, the hand of these people moving in the shadows, and the repercussion of their actions on our life's.

I am one of the first to point out, the evilness of their actions, but what about their intention? Reducing population, that is a goal i can understand, but that does not mean i support their drastic and often cruel method, I also doubt that the way in which they try to replace natural selection, with a selection of their own, is ethical.

I still personally believe that their is a risk of over population, and that a greater population would only limit freedom, which mean I am still one of those rooting for Thanos in the movie Infinity War, so it's not like i can't listen to a good argument.

It is frightening to see how all the idealist, Utopian idea i had not so long ago, are now tacking shape at an unprecedented rate. Actually living these changes, that I was personally wishing for, allow me to see a lot of their flaws.

Their is a chance that once they have destroyed the current world in which we live, it will be possible to build a better one.
They know that one cannot build a better world on a compromised foundation, the logical conclusion is that one need to demolish the previous structure to assure the integrity of the new one.
But logic alone does not take ethical value into consideration.

The question remain, would all the suffering caused by the transition, be worth it? I think that when one of the possible future is human instigation, many preach that the end justify the mean, but that argument has been use in the past to justify many atrocity. Are the Globalist just repeating the mistake of history?

Their is also a very probable chance, that the Utopia i they are aiming at, will in fact be more dystopian and unfair as the world that preceded it. that would also be to take in consideration. Their plan might not succeed, at least in comic book they rarely do.

"Great Reset", "New World Order", "Deep State" Now more then ever people are aware of these concept, they are real, and a potential treat. It is known now that it is far from what some would call crazy "conspiracy theory", These movement are factual, verifiable truth. Even do it might be hard to accept, we need not look away from it.

Some might even be tempted and lured by the underlying promise that they make. Making the world a better place, caring about the environment, preserving humanity, but when we scratch the surface it is worth wondering if these are not just excuses.
When doubt start to arise they extinguish it with gaslighting and other manipulative tactics.

The conclusion of this article if any, is that their is a "plan" a carefully crafted "agenda" for the future of humanity, the only thing is should we really have blind trust in it? is it really in our best interest? i doubt it, after all since when do the "elite" care so much about the masses, evidence suggest that this new "promise land" is not being built for us, but for them.