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Outside the illusion



"When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty!"

Big tech are bad entities, I think at this point not many would try to argue otherwise. The censorship on those platform is unprecedented, yet i know some people who still do not see it, and that is the scariest part, the innovative ways of censoring, that they have developed are discreet. For most casual people, this censorship wall is invisible, it was engineered to be almost undetectable.

Those who are outside of the media matrix, who see trough the lies and propaganda, only them can see how strong the censorship is. Once you step outside of the illusion, you see how hard they try to prevent you from communicating with those still stuck inside. This is very similar to Plato "allegory of the cave" in his work Republic.

Only then can you truly become aware of their attempt to silence you, Only then can you notice that the comment's that you leave on YouTube video, vanish without a warning when you leave the page, as if they had never existed. Only then can you see how much they used term like "misinformation", as an excuse to hide some very specific "information" they wish to suppress from the public.

“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” ― Malcolm X

As if this was not enough people don't read, they don't have the time to inform them self in depth, so all they can see is the surface, even this blog might be ignored simply for being in text format, people attention span has drop drastically in the last few years.

In this environment it is very hard for the truth to surface above the noise. So much so that, A lot of the people responsible for the many crisis of the past century have been almost fully transparent in their mischievous plan, some even going as far, as to publish book detailing their intention and even make public speech about them.

Yet, the masses doesn't even know who these people are, and the little that the masses know about what is truly going on, they quickly forget. How practical for a tyrant to rule over amnesic people.