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Fake Democracy

so-called democracy


Future of Democracy (pdf)

In a REAL Democracy citizen would be allowed to leave their country for the same amount of time that their "elected" ruler are in power. In fact, in a real Democracy the people would not have to elect a ruler to represent them, people would represent them self. people would vote directly on individual matters. Not on idividual person (This is supposing that the "Voting" system is not compromise, which it often is, if not always).

A real Democracy would not force it's citizen to be ruled by a government they do not support. A real Democracy would let those who disagree with the current government leave the country. Not that i support border restriction, but that is a other topic.

A real Democracy would offer at least one alternative, is that not the goal of having multiple candidates, to give people options? What if some disagrees with the result of the election? Is it normal that they are trap, in a country ruled by a person that might make their life miserable? No it is not.

This is how you create suffering, the same suffering that Democracy attempted to solve. Sadly we never pushed the concept really far.

Every "Democracy" in history, have been fake. They all been corruptible by design. none of it's exploits where patched. It was kept broken and only made less democratic trough time.

A real Democracy let the people decide what is best for them. it is direct decision making, if you can't see how this could be achievable then you lack imagination, we have technology that did not even exist back when all these political concept where invented.

You may say that most people are not experts and that many are ignorant and highly influenceable, and i would not argue on that, but the alternative is not "Democracy", and it is surely not to have a competent professional incorruptible, influenceable people in power. The alternative is to risk having these same ignorant, influenceable and corrupt member of our society in complete control!

It is less risky to average the ignorance of a group. For important matter risk is often something that should be avoided.

Imagine if when you go at a restaurant, instead of ordering for your self what you want to eat, you had to pick, who would choose for you... this is what the Fake Democracy are doing!