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Gun on the bill of rights


Since when is it "Normal" for a border agent to ask for personal medical information? They don't have to know or ask for such things, it's untolerable that they even try! Asking if one is vaccinated is equivalent to be asking if one is circumsised, it is a serious "potential" risk of discrimination!

As time goes on people loose more and more of what was once seen as their privacy. They are being made to feel bad for whanting to keep some part of their life private. A movement of "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear." "safety over privacy"
The nothing to hide argument states that individuals have no reason to fear or oppose surveillance programs, unless they are afraid it will uncover their own illicit activities. An individual using this argument may claim that an average person should not worry about government surveillance, as they would have "nothing to hide".

Edward Snowden remarked "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say."
Adam D. Moore, author of Privacy Rights: Moral and Legal Foundations, argued, "Here we are rejecting the view that privacy interests are the sorts of things that can be traded for security."
citing Cardinal Richelieu's statement "If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged"

Nothing_to_hide_argument (Wikipedia):
This mentality is ironically often used by Secret organisation! I hope you can see the double standard.

What awaits us if we go down that path, is to loose "free speech" to protect ourself from "hate speech"! All freedom could be used by bad people to do bad things, but no freedom is not the solution! I do love the american Bill of Rights it is full of wisdom, it has played a vital role in making america one of the freest country on earth. The media love to focus on "Gun violence" and like many i once baught all this "gun are bad" bullshit,' so i get how it might seem like the only logical conclusion would be to remove gun from people... except that "WE" are the people, and unless we can remove every single Weapon in the world,

All it's gonna do is make it easier for those who want to control us to do so, like i said, no wonder the media are trying to sell you the idea that the population should be disarmed, then people can't fight back! because even do most people wish for peace, not being ready for conflict, would be foolish, like the latin proverb say "sivis pacem para bellum" wich means "If you want peace, prepare for war." This is not just a good sounding catch phrase, it's a timeless guide on how to stay free!

It has been proven time and time again, trough out human history, when the people are disarm, nothing good follow.

Article: On The History of Gun Control