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Tale of a free horse

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A horse working meets a crow who asks him: "Do you realize that you are a slave?" "How insulting, why would you say such a thing to me?" "Well the chain around your neck, looks like strong evidence to consider." The horse rebutted, "A crow's claim is not a reliable source of information." The horse continued its work and the crow went away.

A snake who overheard the conversation then asked him, "Don't you realize you're a slave?" "How degrading, why would you say such a thing to me?" "Well, the scares behind your back suggest you might be?" The horse then refuted, "The claim of a snake is not a reliable source of information." the horse continued its work and the snake went away.

A fox who heard the story of the crow and the snake decided to pay the horse a visit. "Horse, I think you are a slave." "How rude, why would you say such a thing to me?" "You work for free all day to serve a master." "A fox's claim is not a reliable source of information." The fox finally asked, "So tell me what is a reliable source of information for you?" the horse spoke, "My master and no one else!"