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The shot cult

Vaccine cult


Take the time to talk to people, talk to people like an adult, which means calmly, and with mutual respect, take the time to listen when they talk, take the time to think rationally and logically about the conversation, use critical thinking, if you are taken over by bad emotions like fear, or anger then take a deep breath, maybe take a walk, if you accuse them or suspect them of something. Try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and avoid assuming bad things about them. give them the time to explain themself. Do this and you will see, that deep down most people are good people.

Their is often a lot of misunderstanding that might create a divide, and it does not help that sometime bad entities are secretly "trying" to divide people. Putting them against each others, this is one of the most efficient tactics of manipulation. when people are against each other, they are not against the real treat.

When people are separated they are more easily control, they are more influenceable. Studying manipulation is the best way to learn how not to be manipulated, saddly this is not somthing that is taugh in school around the world.

The biggest virus today is not "COVID-19" it's a mental hilliness, or in more scientifically accurate therm a "mass induced psychosis", a lot of people have adopted that term recently, and i don't blame them, it explain clearly what is currently happening all around the world.

In Canada many people have come to believe that the only source of "valid" information is what the media (own/financed by the government) is telling them, and when they see information from other sources conflict with the mainstream narrative, many will disregard it as some fake news, misinformation or some other random excuses, that they have been taught to use to discredit the information.

"After all they have a good source of information, and it said the opposite! since 'they' could never have been manipulated into believing false information, it's the other information that 'must' be false."

Saddly this is how many think… not only is it verry egocentric, it also prevent them from changing their view. wich is the best way to be wrong about everithing. “only crazy people, never change their mind”

It’s important to take the time to see for your self, where other take their news, it’s a valid question to ask, and we should all accept that other people might have better more accurate information then we do. I my self have watch some CNN before arriving at the conclusion that for the moment and on a lot of topics they are full of shit. how do i know that, “logical thinking”. I know that’s a poor explanation, but if i had to try to explain it more in depth, Once you know the narrative they try to push, and the motive behind it, you can almost predict what they are gonna say, just like predicting the intention of the other player in a game of chest, once you know their end goal, it’s easier to understand each of their moves… and that’s how i arrived at the personal conclusion, that they are not on the side of the people, and their freedom.

To be honest i am still chocked to have witnessed how some people have become. The only way people can fight propaganda is to stop jugging books by their cover, stop generalizing and actually listen to people, otherwise you’ll fight caricature.

The injection cult, It is not a science, but a religion disguised as science, but their action are not less fascist then the Nazi.

Many of them do not even realize they are part of a cult. But they are!

I do not understand how the people under the regime of the Injection cult, can have become so hateful, so aggressive, so disconnected with reality, is it just because of the barrage of propaganda they see on TV? is their more? to be honest i don’t know how so many of these previously rational people, have turned so blind!

“Why so many people call me a fascist?” “Why so many call me a tyrant?” “Why do they call me a sheep” “A Nazi!” My answer, maybe because they are! To realize that they would need to have a rational mind, but they don’t

Many people excused the tyranny that is taken place in Canada by saying stuff like, If you think this is a tyrant go in North Korea! I don’t doubt that it must be a very awful place to be, but sadly saying things are bad in other country, does not make things better in the country you live in. I never said personally that it was a tyranny “like” North Korea, i never been their, how could i know? all i said is that the current government action, and the current measure and place correspond to what is by definition called a tyranny!

I have seen people, attack the messenger for bringing fact, they did not want to hear. It’s not because a reality is hard to accept that it is false, i would say it’s often the contrary.

Their is a danger to blocking people online, simply because they have different view, or simply disagree with you, you might find your self trap in an echo chamber of lies, no matter how comfortable this delusion is, it is not reality and only take you away from it, making you mentally hill,

They are using I am still trying to understand how, people who where previously rational, have turn into hate filled people. turned into that won’t listen to reason, how people find normal to block each other only for having different view, company like Facebook want to encourage you to remove people with different view from communicating with you, they literally try to protect some people from the truth, they help people close them self from reality, so that they can avoid truth they don’t like, so that they don’t have to face them, imagine if they had to face the fact that they have acted like a tyrant for the past two years, or that they are a slave trap in a totalitarian system that they have supported? those are not easy realization to make.

It’s far more easier to keep go along, to keep acting like a tyrant without thinking about your actions, to being pushed toward slavery, then trying to push back!