Amos Nimos: Feed

Freedom Feed 2022

Freedom Feed

Freedom Feed


This is how it should be done, you don't need "social media" platform to post online, make your own platform, than you can follow your own rules.


What's new

my update


it has been a while since I haven't posted anything to my blog, I prefer staying low profile while in Canada since here freedom of speech is not being uphold like in the USA, so writing article that are too critical of the current institution might get me in trouble, Still I had started writing a big article about my traumatizing experience returning to Canada, and facing harassment from the Canadian institution, but it was very really hard to put my self back into these bad memory, so I decided to let some time pass, I was also busy at my new job, which does not let me a lot of time to work on this site, this is not to say that their is nothing I have to say about the current condition of my country. So since I have not an article ready at the moment I taught I would share the following videos. I taught these videos did represent well enough the present context, so I decided to share them with you. (Not that I recommend you use/support YouTube as a platform, some of these videos/channels are also available on alternative platforms like Rumble or Odysee)


We need guns



Original Video From Awaken With JP

We need the right to have/carry guns, so that when shit goes down, we can be responsible for saving/protecting yourself, and if possible those around you. You may trust in the ability of the authority to do this for you, but no matter how efficient they may be, they cannot always be present in time when you need them.

My response to every school shootings ever: Their is already restrictions of access to firearms in America, i t's called "gun control", still the shooting happened. Their might have been less victims killed, if teachers had a gun locked in their desks or something.

You stop a shooter, "WITH" guns, it's how the army does it, it's how the police does it, and so far it worked out alright.

In the USA, their is exponentially more people saved by a firearm each day, then people killed by a firearm. Increasing "gun control" only makes more people defenseless, it's an impulsive, emotional and inconsiderate response to want to increase gun restrictions following tragic events like these.

Guns have been deffending the weak against bullies, tyrrant, and other form of oppression since they where invented, they made all man equal. When you adjust for population the USA are not even in the top 10 countries for mass shootings, despite having way more guns than any other country. France, Norway, and Belgium all have more mass shootings than the US per capita. "Gun control" is all about control, not about safety. beware of those who wish to disarm you, history foretold what will happen to those who comply to such demand.


Pierre Poilievre Will Ban The World Economic Forum from His Government - Establishment Fights Back

Pierre Poilievre


Original Video From Clyde Do Something

"Governments have become too accustomed to calling the shots and dictating how you should live your life.

That is going to change when I become Prime Minister. I believe in Canadians over government. I believe we need to innovate, compete and challenge ideas free from excessive government control.

I am running for Prime Minister to put you back in charge of your life and to make Canada the freest nation on earth. This is not a campaign. This is a cause. And I can’t do it alone.

I need your energy, your vision and your drive to make this happen. Become a member, volunteer, make a donation and spread the word: Canadians are taking back control of their lives! Join me today in the fight for your future." - Pierre Poilievre

This is exactly what I wanted to hear from him. At this point he might be Canada last hope to escape fascism.


The Great Reset Docuseries



Original Video From Rebel News

George Orwell told us not to allow this to happen. He would be rolling in his grave, if he could see the world now. Things are not falling apart, it has been a coordinated effort to create failure.


Horizons Canada

Biodigital Convergence


I found this brochure of the future "WEF" policies on the official "Government of Canada" website. I created this "feed" page on my site, to share and talk about things like this, Policy Horizons Canada

They even have an RSS Feed and a blog where they tell you how they plan to "reshape the future". If you ever wondered where all the crazy conspiracy theory against the government come from, now you know, from their official website.

You don't have to go on some "shady" blog hosted by individuals, to see what the government conspire about, In fact you probably have more chance to find this, then to find my blog. Is it still a conspiracy when it is out in the open like this, or is it just a cruel oppressive tyrannical regime now?

gene-editing abilities

Now that we all had to have our DNA swabbed by "Covid test" and many of us had a gene-editing therapy "imposed" in the form of a the so called "Covid vaccine". The government has to start flexing how his gene-editing abilities have improved. Just like Yuval Noah Harari told us in a WEF conference,

They can now hack human, and they are so proud of it, you are now a hackable animal, programmable down to your very DNA sequence. But we don't have to worry, if anyone in the past has known how to handle new advances in technology without abusing it it's the government right? Why do experts have concerns about these sorts of advancements that the Canadian governments wont stop promoting?

Is it so far fetch to suspect that a large part of the population might have been used as test subject for some of these new "horizons"? When is it clear enough that their is cause for concerns, when your government copy the worst aspect of some of the worst dictatorship on earth (Social Credit from China), When he start to talk about being involved or interested in editing your DNA?

You can already know what will be their next article, just like you could have predicted their current article, if you listened to those "conspiracy theorist" and that "disinformation", Social credit, Digital ID, Gene editing, Nothing new their on the agenda of the "Globalist Elites".
