Hi, whoever you are. Finding this site is quite an achievement, congratulations. This is MY site, my own online island, where I can feel free to talk about whatever I want without the risk of being shadow-banned or having my posts outright censored. This is an opinion-based website. I’m not here to pretend I hold the absolute truth or anything like that. No, these are my personal views, personal conclusions, and personal ideology based on my own life experiences. Not everything needs to be a full-on scientific study to be valid in its own right. I don’t try to get into specifics but rather discuss general ideas and concepts that I think are important. It’s like you can’t have an opinion on the internet nowadays without providing a study to back it up. Sometimes, you can simply experience things and talk about them. A lot of scientific studies are biased and can be presented in biased ways, so they’re not the absolute truth either. I don’t even consider myself on any side of the political spectrum, but society does seem to associate a lot of my values with the conservative/republican side. I advocate for more autonomy for the people, and less government overreach. I despise bureaucracy and wish for people to be more independent and self-reliant. I am Amos Nimos (Amosnimos), and this is my site: amosnimos.com.